Answers to Commonly asked Questions

Bowlliards » FAQs

What happens if player scratches during the opening break?

A jumped or scratched cue ball during the opening break is without penalty, any balls pocketed are spotted and not scored, the player then follows their break by beginning scoring play with object balls in position and cue ball in hand.

What happens to balls pocketed during the opening break?

Any balls pocketed or jumped on the opening break are spotted and not scored, the player then follows their break by beginning scoring play with object balls in position and cue ball in hand.

Does player take ball in hand to continue second inning scoring play?

If player does not score 10 in their first inning, the player takes their second inning immediately from where the cue ball and object balls lie.

What happens to incidentally pocketed balls during scoring play?

During scoring play, incidentally pocketed balls are spotted and not scored. As long as player's called ball is pocketed player continues scoring play.

Why does my Total Ball Count divided by Total Games not equal my Average?

Because of the "bonuses" provided from the scoring of Strikes and Spares.

What is an OPEN frame?

An OPEN frame is where neither a strike nor a spare takes place and is known as an open frame. This means one or more balls are still left on the table after two innings of scoring play.

Can I save an incomplete game into my account and return later to complete that game?

At this point you can not SAVE incomplete games; however, this is a feature we are considering implementing in future releases.